HomeExtending CMSimplePlugins


Plugins access a built in 'pluginloader' to add a function under the control of CMSimple.

The following plugins are available from cmsimple-cms.com and are compatible with CMSimple_XH.

Permission is hereby granted, to use this software, free of charge, subject to the following conditions...

The software is provided "as is", without warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement.

In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.

Updates 2024

The following plugins have been updated. This has been mainly to the documentation and comments within the files themselves removing a lot of "How the h... did that get there" errors. As there were no actual code changes the version numbers remain unaltered.

Administration Plugin

The admin123 Plugin is intended to be used to display administration access links for file management, help, web site statistics or any resource that is part of a website but is not directly managed by the CMS, when logged into CMSimple.

Download the Aministration Plugin 1.11rc8 - admin-123.zip - 9 Kb

countx Website Visitor Counter Plugin

Simple website visitor counter plugin that can optionally record the following visitor data... Date, IP, Hostname, Browser, URI, Referrer.

The results of the counter in operation can be seen at the bottom of each page on this site.

Note: The data file used to store the optional visitor statistics could grow into a huge file so take care if you enable this function.

More... Countx Help

Download the countx Counter Plugin 1.00rc7 - countx-xh.zip - 15 Kb

UpdateCheck for CMSimple_XH

UpdateCheck 1.61 MOD

Plugin Name: hi_updatecheck 1.61 MOD
Date: 27 Dec 2024

UpdateCheck - A plugin to help keep your CMSimple_XH installation up-to-date.

A few small modifications to the official 1.61 release.

  • All icons have a solid colour for the 'glyph' part rather than being transparent showing the background colour.
  • Simplified layout for displaying the status of the CMS and it's plugins.
  • Download buttons for the update links.
  • The display of the plugin list is sorted.

NB: Remove any existing installation of UpdateCheck before you install a new version.

Update Check PageThis image shows the simpler layout for displaying the status of the CMS and it's plugins on the Update Check page. Note the red icon on the RHS of the top admin menu bar that indicates updates are available.

Click on the LHS image for a closer view.

System Information PageThis image shows the System Information page with the revised "Updates are available..." message. On the RHS of the top admin menu bar is also a red icon indicating that there are updates available.

Click on the LHS image for a closer view.

More... UpdateCheck Help

Download the hi_updatecheck 1.61 MOD Plugin - hi_updatecheck.zip - 171 Kb

zGallery 2 Plugin

zGallery 2 is a no frills gallery plugin that automatically produces a gallery from a single folder of images that can be displayed in a responsive image lightbox.

Images are titled based on their filename. The file's extension is stripped off and any underscores "_" or dashes "-" are replaced with a space. A special delimiter character "~" gets replaced with "  -  ". The gallery uses the jPages plugin for jQuery to provide client side pagination.

As a bonus when the "zgallery" plugin is installed any link to an image on your website can have that linked image displayed in a lightbox. Any link can also have an enhanced title shown. For displaying a linked image in a lightbox add the class "lightbox" to the image link and to display an enhanced link title add the class "showInfo" to the link.

Note: The image "title" information may not shown on mobile devices.

Warning: A malformed .jpg file can crash the plugin. The image can usually be repaired by opening it and re-saving it in Gimp or a similar graphics editor. Occurs very infrequently...

zGallery - Single Gallery Demonstration

More... zGallery Help

Download zGallery 2.00rc2... zgallery.zip - 45 Kb

zPlayer 2 Plugin

With the demise of Flash one must use the HTML5 audio and video tags to stream media. Stream mp3 audio files and mp4 video files with ease with zPlayer 2. zPlayer utilizes the relatively old but still very functional Version 6 Free Edition of the JW Player.

Note: For non-commercial use only.

View the Audio Player
View the Video Player

More... zPlayer Help

Download the zPlayer Plugin 2.00rc1 - zplayer.zip - 274 Kb