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Email Contact Form

Most contact forms (including the one supplied with this CMS) use the PHP mail() function which works until there are times of heavy traffic when things get clogged and messages are dropped. This is particularly so with a combination of shared hosting and holidays such as Christmas/New Year. So how do we get reliable email messages from our web-site?

The easiest way to do this is to make use of the old web-browser "mailto" instruction, and a little bit of javascript. Javascript is used to scramble the email address so it cannot be easily be harvested by bots and to display a mailto link. Selecting the link opens the viewing device's default email client with the email address entered.

An easy to implement, cheap, relatively secure and reliable solution.

The best method involves using a form with both client-side and server-side validation together with a script like PHPMailer which sends the content of the form via SMTP to an email account setup on your domain.

This is the method used by this site. Feel free to contact us.

External File Manager

To access all areas of your website, a PHP based file manager is indispensable... For situations when you want more control than the CMS alone can give, an independent file manager is a must have.

Information and download... File Manager


The following example adds a guestbook into a page via an IFRAME generated by the wrap() function.

The icons which come with the script download have been anti-aliased badly and the included template was not responsive, having problems at smaller screen sizes. In this example all the icons as well as the template have been updated.

View the Guestbook.

Image Lightboxing

Home Front 1943When you click on the LHS image it opens a larger image of itself layered on top of the original page.

The lightboxing script used is the Magnific Popup Plugin for jQuery from http://dimsemenov.com/plugins/magnific-popup/.

Magnific Popup is installed by the 'zgallery' plugin for CMSimple.

More... lightbox-images-readme.html

SFPG - A Simple Gallery Script

Have you got a lot of images to display but the zGallery Plugin appears to be too much work? Something like the Single File PHP Gallery maybe just what you are looking for.

While there are quite a few web gallery scripts available, only a few use a basic text data file and fewer still that also operate as easily as the Single File PHP Gallery. It is a very good gallery script.

What Is Single File PHP Gallery?

Single File PHP Gallery is a independent, stand-alone web gallery contained within a single PHP file. All you have to do to make a gallery is... define in the script a directory to contain your images, upload your images and that's it, gallery done. Sub directories of this folder will become sub galleries. Gallery and image titling together with thumbnails for images and galleries are generated automatically.

Note: The Single File PHP Gallery is only free to use non-commercially.

Website...  http://sye.dk/sfpg/
Modifying Single File PHP Gallery see...  sfpg-4-12-0-mods.html
Example... Single File PHP Gallery

Web Site Statistcs

A statistics module BBClone can be integrated into CMSimple. BBClone can be thought of as a 'web counter on steroids'.

BBClone Website: www.bbclone.de