Template Setup
Note: Templates are for CMSimple_XH.
- Download the template archive and extract it.
- Download any scripts necessary.
- Configure the template.
- Configure the scripts.
- Upload the template to the templates folder of CMSimple.
- If necessary CHMOD to 666 the stylesheet.css and template.htm.
- Upload the script folders to the 'userfiles' directory of CMSimple.
- Again should it be necessary, CHMOD to 666 any script files written to.
Configuring the Template
Inside the template folder you will find a file called tpl-config.ini.php. This file holds the configuration data for the template. You can change the language of any heading to suit your site together with any predefined template links.
You can edit these settings before you upload the template using a text editor such as notepad++ .
Including a Visitor Counter
A visitor counter can be added either by using a plugin or a small script. Neither the counter plugin nor the counter script are included with the template download so it must downloaded separately.
All templates from cmsimple-cms.com have the code necessary for displaying a visitor counter via the countx plugin already embedded in them.
Note: Comment out or remove this code if you do not intend to use the countx plugin.
To place a counter in any template, you must include the code that activates the counter within the template file using a plain text editor such as notepad++.